Tokyo sightseeing boat firms fear damage to business during Olympics english.kyodonews.net

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

[Photo courtesy of Tokyo Yakatabune Association]Traditional "yakatabune" boat companies make 60 to 70 percent of their annual profits between July and September.
"It is possible to remove the Odaiba course from our cruise options, but the effect will not be negligible," said Tsutomu Sato, the chairman of Tokyo Yakatabune Association, representing 35 yakatabune companies in the Tokyo area.
With fewer cruise options, yakatabune boats will be forced to squeeze through the same waterways as other tourist boats such as the Sumida River which runs through central Tokyo, increasing the risk of collisions.
Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., a Tokyo waterbus company that transports visitors across Tokyo Bay between Odaiba Marine Park, Asakusa and Hinode Pier says that its high season will also coincide with the Olympics.
We will cooperate with the Olympics and Paralympics organizers but we are worried about how this will affect our business," said a company official.