Hyakki Yagyo: Night Parade of 100 Demons scares tourists in Kyoto【Videos】 soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

Japan’s most terrifying ghouls, monsters and demons come out to frighten the public on a street believed to border the spirit world.
Called Hyakki Yagyo, or “Night Parade of 100 Demons“, this festival takes place in northern Kyoto at the Taishogun Shopping Street, which is also known as “Ichijo Yokai Street”.
Now, the Hyakki Yagyo is recreated every year on the third Saturday of October, making it perfectly timed for the Halloween season.
▼ There were also skeletons…▼ She-Devils…▼ And long-necked demons that stood out above the crowd…▼ The yokai parade looked eerie as it passed by in the shadows.
Until then, we’ll be catching up with their ghoulish brethren on Kyoto’s Yokai Train during Obon, Japan’s traditional holiday dedicated to the spirit world.