Rules of tea, business cards, and bowing - 10 Japanese business manners young people are tired of soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

As a country that takes both work and etiquette very seriously, it’s probably not a surprise that Japanese business etiquette has a detailed code of proper conduct, all in an effort to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and smooth cooperation.
After exchanging business cards, leaving your counterpart’s card on the desk instead of putting it away immediately (134 points)Japanese business cards have their own whole system of etiquette.
In the meantime, you can bolster you patience be bearing in mind that Japanese tea is often served scalding hot, so you probably wouldn’t be able to drink it right away without burning your tongue anyway.
You end up with an impromptu business card limbo competition.
After a while on the job, most people eventually get the timing down, but until they do, this bit of Japanese business etiquette can be a pain in the neck, as well as the lower back.