A visit to Tokyo’s luckiest, kitty-est lucky cat temple: Gotokuji【Photos】 soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

There are several reasons to visit Tokyo’s Gotokuji Temple.
But really, the biggest, and also most numerous, reasons to stop by Gotokuji Temple are the hundreds, if not thousands, of traditional cat figurines on display.
But there’s more to Gotokuji’s astounding maneki neko population than just Japan’s steady love affair with cute animals and good-luck charms.
When we asked the temple staff what the exact procedure is for offering a cat figurine, they told us that there really aren’t any set rules.
Temple informationGotokuji Temple / 豪徳寺Address: Tokyo-to, Setagaya-ku, Gotokuji2-24-7東京都世田谷区豪徳寺2丁目24−7Photos ©SoraNews24● Want to hear about SoraNews24’s latest articles as soon as they’re published?