This is Japan’s oldest curry bread bakery, and it’s awesome【Taste test】 soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

This Tokyo bakery hasn’t changed its curry bread recipe in nearly 100 years, and it doesn’t need to.
However, you’ll notice a sign in front of the entrance touting its Ganso Curry Bread.
So why is Cattlea’s Ganso Curry Bread so heavy?
As I look back on my life, I ask myself, ‘Have I ever had curry bread this delicious before?’ No.
This is, without question, the best curry bread I’ve had in my entire life.”Considering that curry bread is one of those ultra-reliable, even-when-it’s-bad-it’s-still-pretty-good kind of foods, this is high praise indeed.