Mamoru Hosoda anime classic Summer Wars gets 4DX release with motion seats and theater effects soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

Don’t miss this chance to enjoy a hit anime film by one of Japan’s most critically acclaimed directors with all of your bodily senses.
Directed by Mamoru Hosoda, produced by studio Madhouse, and originally released in August 2009, Summer Wars was the first of Hosoda’s directorial works to start off as an anime original project.
It went on to win a handful of awards, including the prestigious Japan Academy Film Prize for Animation of the Year in 2010.
Summer Wars is a fitting selection to receive the 4DX treatment given that its setting is interwoven with a virtual reality world known as OZ.
As 4DX effects can only be experienced in a specially equipped movie theater, the true nature of the effects is something that won’t be revealed until January.