No, Japan Isn't Going To Install Catapults And An Angled Deck On Its Izumo Class Carriers www.thedrive.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

I have been bombarded with questions from readers today regarding a Powerpoint slide that has leaked depicting a drastically refitted Japanese Izumo class helicopter carrier with a pair of catapults and an angled landing area with arresting cables.
Via Alert5.com Image of the General Atomics slide showing a CATOBAR configured Izumo class.
The fact of the matter is that Japan is already buying 43 short-takeoff and vertical landing F-35Bs and is modifying its Izumo class carriers for this aircraft, specifically.
In addition, although it seems that most people think slapping catapults and an angled flightdeck on an existing helicopter carrier is a relatively straightforward way of making a CATOBAR aircraft carrier, it's not.
USN The evolution of the Essex class aircraft carrier.