New line of modern samurai fashion for fall/winter will make you warm and cool soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

Whether you’re going completely old school or just want a touch of swordsman chic, Japanese fashion label Trove has you covered.
If the sun is out, it’s going to be way too hot for a full-on winter coat, but if night has fallen and the wind is blowing, you’re going to want something warmer than just a long-sleeved shirt.
But Japanese clothing label Trove is here with a new collection that’s perfect for straddling the seasons, just like how the company’s fashions themselves bridge Japan’s samurai past with its contemporary eclecticism.
Prices for the new items range from 12,960 yen (US$115) for the juban shirts up to 32,400 yen for the haori.
Online orders can be placed here through Trove’s online shop (which also includes instructions for how to place international orders), with shipping scheduled for early December.