12-year-old Japanese student makes amazing stop-motion animations【Videos】 soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 4 months ago

Most 12-year-olds are probably just starting to try drawing their own manga, but this girl is a full-on animator.
Japan has a thing for creating stop-motion animations using figurines, like Ryu from Street Fighter or Gundam.
When Twitter user @gusokudaiou0555 uploaded a video of her daughter’s stop-motion animation created with popular Sylvanian Families dolls, the Internet was floored.
It started with just a clip of a Sylvanian Families cat cooking what looks to be some sort of soup or stew, but netizens demanded a full version until it was delivered.
The above film features several Sylvanian Families characters instead of just the one, which leaves us in more awe.