Some like it hot: We get a taste of R18 Curry soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 4 months ago

While the contents of the curry are too hot for children, we’ve censored the summary so that it’s entirely safe for work.
Our brave man did so and poured the hot rue over a bed of hot white rice, though he couldn’t tell from the smell of the curry alone whether it was genuinely spicy or not.
Luckily, our man is a masochist, so he seemed to enjoy letting that dominatrix of a curry dish whip his taste buds raw.
If you’re a big fan of spicy foods, we definitely recommend finding a package of R18 curry and setting yourself up for a hot meal, in all senses of the word.
Reference: R18 Curry on Amazon JapanPictures: RocketNews24▼ For adults only.