Mochi hot cakes: The Japanese pancakes you don't even need a rice cooker to make! soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 4 months ago

Mochi, Japan’s favourite rice cake, is said to make hot cakes even fluffier and even more awesome.
But first, let’s skip to the end and see what mochi hot cakes look like!
▼ “I had a go at making the mochi hot cakes I saw on (recipe site) Pekori.
They were so springy and delicious!”▼ “I made mochi pancakes with leftover mochi from New Years!”▼ “I wasn’t hungry, but when I made these mochi hot cakes for my daughter I tried a bit – it was great!”So how do you go about making mochi pancakes anyway?
This Twitter user also had their mochi hot cakes ichigo-daifuku style.