Tokyo vegan’s ramen recommendation is extremely off the mark soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

As you might guess from his name, Japanese Twitter user Vegan Yasuo (@vegan_yasuo) isn’t into eating animal products.
Taking another look at the dish’s name, yasai is the Japanese word for “vegetables,” and mashi, in this case, means “extra.” So the Yasai Mashi Mashi Ramen is really the restaurant’s house ramen with extra-extra-bean sprouts and cabbage.
Unfortunately for Vegan Yasuo, though, underneath all those veggies is……the ramen of noodle chain Ramen Jiro, some of the most unabashedly heavy, meaty ramen in Japan.
So no, the Yasai Mashi Mashi Ramen is not, by any means, a vegan-friendly meal.
Luckily for Vegan Yasuo, he seems to have learned the true nature of Ramen Jiro’s Yasai Mashi Mashi Ramen before actually ordering/eating it, and he quickly sent out a follow-up tweet to warn his followers.