Rare Fish Festival in Tokyo serves up dishes so good that oil may leak from your anus! soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

In this way the Rare Fish Festival (Mezurashi Sakana Fest) is like the Rams Head Live stage of the Maryland Deathfest.
Taking baby steps into this underground world of fish, we selected our reporter most accustomed to oily movements, Yuichiro Wasai, to attend the Rare Fish Festival in Shinagawa, Tokyo on 30 November.
There was even a tank with some warasubo fish, known as the “aliens of the Airake Sea” for their grotesque appearance.
So, if a rare fish festival rolls into your town, take a little time to consider whether you want to enter that potentially greasy world or not.
Related link: Rare Fish Festival (this festival has already finished)Photos ©SoraNews24● Want to hear about SoraNews24’s latest articles as soon as they’re published?