Good Couples Day gets our Japanese writer thinking about international marriage differences soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 4 months ago

Our Japanese-language writer muses on her own marriage to a French husband and its notable quirks.
As I write this, it’s April 24, which a cursory google tells me is National Pigs in Blankets Day (mmm!)
while the Japanese calendar dubs it Tea Ceremony Day.
Indeed, the Japanese calendar contains all sorts of fun holidays based on word play (Pocky Day, for example) and Good Couples Day, celebrated both on April 22 and November 22 since 1994, is no exception.
The fact is that divorce rates are high, and are especially high for international couples, but by striving for mutual respect and communicating well you can celebrate Good Couples’ Day at your full potential as partners.