Researchers Filter Microplastics From Water Using Acoustics interestingengineering.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

But researchers at Shinshu University devised a new method that gathers microplastics in water using acoustics.
Focusing on the huge amount of microplastics in the ocean caused by laundry machines, the researcher created a device that collects microplastic and microplastics fibers by using piezo vibrations.
The researchers chose to focus on washing machine microplastics because laundry machines discharge around ten thousand fibers per one 100 liter washing cycle, according to the scientists.
According to the researchers its impossible to capture and filter out the microplastics which is why they're focused there.
Two side channels push out clean water while the microplastic fibers were pushed into the middle.