Study: Light drinking may increase cancer risk by nearly 20 percent www.upi.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

A study of adults in Japan reveals higher cancer risk among current and former drinkers.
In a study published Monday by the journal Cancer, researchers found that even light to moderate alcohol consumption among adults in Japan was associated with elevated cancer risk.
In all, the authors report, risk for cancer was 18 percent higher among current and former drinkers, while the overall cancer risk appeared to be the lowest at zero alcohol consumption.
"Given the current burden of overall cancer incidence, we should further encourage promoting public education about alcohol-related cancer risk," study co-author Masayoshi Zaitsu, a researcher with the University of Tokyo and the Harvard T.H.
All study participants self-reported their average daily alcohol consumption and the duration of their drinking.