Netflix to create an animated series based on LINE's 'Brown & Friends' stickers www.neowin.net

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 4 months ago

Netflix has announced that it is partnering with the Japanese messaging app Line to create a Netflix original animated series on Brown & Friends characters which started out as emoji-like stickers on the app.
Although LINE may not be widely used in the U.S., it is quite popular in Japan and other Asian countries, amassing 164 million active users worldwide.
Netflix says that the series titled LINE FRIENDS "will be a non-verbal, slapstick comedy that tells the story of a diverse set of characters who are friends and neighbors living in the same town."
The CG animated show will feature five characters namely Brown, Cony, Sally, Moon, and James and will be available to an audience of all ages.
Netflix says that it will announce more details at a later date.