A Tour of Coffee Shop Storefronts of Japan — Atlanta Coffee Shops www.atlantacoffeeshops.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 4 months ago

Atlanta Coffee Shops was on an extended trip to Japan in November, and it was a blast!
During the course of this adventure in Japan, a major part of the itinerary revolved around coffee shop exploration.
This post is organized by location of coffee shops visited in Japan:Where possible, a link to the coffee shop’s web page (if available) or Instagram (if it exists) is provided.
Also see this Google Map (also embedded below) which showcases twenty-one coffee shops profiled below on one map.
I hope the below photos—with the various shapes, sizes, colors, typography, and design—of the storefronts is a strong representation of the diversity of coffee shops of Japan.