Miss & Mr. Aoyama Contest boasts stunning contestants, maybe the next generation of TV stars? soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 4 months ago

An MC from a Japanese variety show recently visited the prestigious Miss & Mr. Aoyama Contest and discovered some very tough competition.
Just take a quick glance below at three of the lovely ladies competing for the coveted title of 2015’s Miss Aoyama.
Many of them have gone on to become famous TV announcers in Japan, including Christel Takigawa, Minami Tanaka, and Erina Arai, who were all former participants in Aoyama Gakuin University’s Miss Aoyama Contest.
Here are the final winners and runners-up for the 2015 Miss & Mr. Aoyama Contest, along with their individual introductory videos:▼ 2015 Miss Aoyama (Kotoko Yamaga)▼ 2015 Mr. Aoyama (Shota Yamamoto)▼ 2015 Miss Aoyama runner-up (Mami Tomita)▼ 2015 Mr. Aoyama runner-up (Cory Shibata)Although she didn’t make the top three finalists, second-year literature student Seika Inoue caught Tokui’s eye in particular.
If their participation in Aoyama Gakuin University’s annual contest directly leads to careers in the entertainment world, then kudos to them!