Snack maker promises its extra-thick, extra-expensive potato chips are extra-delicious soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 4 months ago

If you asked people to pick the most innovative Japanese company, most of the responses you’d get would probably be from the automobile and consumer electronics industries.
Our vote, though, just might go to snack maker Calbee, for the way the company is constantly pushing the potato chip envelope.
In the past, they’ve brought us both fresh-fried and Kentucky Fried Chicken flavor versions, and now they’re set to expand the medium even further with triple-thick, gift-quality gourmet potato chips.
GRAND Calbee will be the only place where salty snack fans can get their hands on the company’s premium potato chips, which are three times as thick as more plebian fried spud slices.
In order to further distance themselves from more casual chips, the GRAND Calbee offerings will be grouped into three classes for a total of six flavors.