Hafu | the mixed-race experience in Japan

posted by  banzaitokyo | 7 years, 11 months ago

With an ever increasing movement of people between places in this transnational age, there is a mounting number of mixed-race people in Japan, some visible others not. "Hafu" is the unfolding journey of discovery into the intricacies of mixed-race Japanese and their multicultural experience in modern day Japan.

read the original article

0 | #11529 by  banzaitokyo | 8 years, 8 months ago

Even though they seem to end with a positive note, I think the reality is quite sad. The Japanese society is still very conservative if not to say racist at times. As a father of a "hafu" son, I will probably avoid moving to Japan to spare him the experience of being a different kid at a Japanese school.

0 | #11530 by  Yubi | 8 years, 8 months ago

I have heard both good and bad experiences about this. In Tokyo, people are not surprised to see mixed race or foreign people anymore. But in schools where bullying is not controlled (everyone gets bullied for a limited time, but it stays with some), being a half is the "reason". My kids are halves, too, so I am watching the situation closely. In countryside, people might get confused at first sight. But you can get really close to them since you can talk good Japanese. My elder daughter was born in countryside where she has so many uncles and aunties send presents from. My nephew is foreign, and is in the soccer team of his primary school (Northern Ibaraki). He is quite liked and his brother and sister are fine.

0 | #11531 by  banzaitokyo | 8 years, 8 months ago

Bullying and discrimination against mixed-race children and/or foreign people is a disgrace and should be banned. And Totoro's point does make sense, Tokyo, such a cosmopolitan center, would obviously be more accepting of... everyone! So you shouldn't plan your life considering the 'crowd''s opinion, if you get what I mean.

0 | #11533 by  banzaitokyo | 8 years, 8 months ago

True. But among "civilized" countries Japan is probably the most hostile to "aliens" in the sense that it's harder to be different in Japan.

0 | #11534 by  banzaitokyo | 8 years, 8 months ago

The problem is not japanese. You can face it everywhere.

0 | #11532 by  banzaitokyo | 8 years, 8 months ago

well, I quite agree. One thing I'm pissed of Japan is the (apparent) conformism. So I don't like myself thinking with stereotype about japanese as people, but yeah, in most of social convention to do/think/look different is perceived as arrogant and selfish. So can be hard for not-japanese-looking (as far as everyone can assess) in some situations.

For most (X-)) japanese, you're japanese or you're a gaijin, no idea of how to deal with something in beetween.

I've always though a good way to sum up Japan for westerners is that there is not so much in the middle, but a lot in the extremes. Okayyy, I'm slipping out of topic but help me to fill the list:

  • over crowded urban areas / empty mountains
  • modernity / tradition
  • senpai / kohai
  • abstention / addiction
  • shy / extrovert
  • housewife / businesswoman
  • manners / brutality
  • not many low-criminality affairs / strong yakuza organizations
  • boiling ramen / freezing drink ...
