Japanese Complete = ジャパニーズ・コンプリート japanesecomplete.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 8 months ago

Based on a report from 2000 that analyzed a large corpus of Japanese text, it says that at roughly the 750-800 character line, 90% of kanji occurrences in the wild are covered. By looking at the cumulative frequency of characters, the efficacy of learning the most frequent kanji first is shown by the following:
 777 characters: 90.0% coverage
1477 characters: 98.0% coverage
2477 characters: 99.9% coverage

So that the world may swiftly learn Japanese, without further adu, we give you the triple 7 kanji list (so far I've gotten through number 669, I'll update this once I'm done with the list). You can always find the most up-to-date version of this list here.