Japanese business offers bespoke soap for body odor english.kyodonews.net

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 5 years, 6 months ago

"In Japan, where being clean and odorless is highly regarded, there is a tendency for young people, especially, to be overly concerned" about the smell of their body, he said.
Many people, who are so paralyzed by their fear of having an unpleasant body odor that they have become reclusive, turn to the company after dermatological and psychosomatic treatments have proved ineffective.
Although in most cases their body odor is not significant enough to attract attention, Uehara says that telling people who are self-conscious about the issue that it is "just their imagination" does not solve the problem.
Based on the results, Uehara then recommends detergent and soap containing the necessary ingredients to suppress the odor for each individual.
"There is no greater joy than seeing them become more positive individuals," Uehara said with a smile.