Japanese startups develop innovative ways to supply water in disasters english.kyodonews.net

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 7 months ago

The Cabinet Office's evacuation center management guidelines cite bathing, in particular, as vital for health and sanitation in disasters.
While the average shower consumes 40 to 50 liters of water, Wota Box can provide showers for up to 100 people using just 100 liters of water, according to the company.
Aquatechnology-plus in Wakayama Prefecture, western Japan, has developed a water purifier with a storage tank for commercialization.
(Shigeyuki Toguchi and his company's Tamezou water purifier and storage tank are pictured in September 2019 in Wakayama Prefecture.)
Another startup in Yokohama is selling an oral hygiene product that does not require water for rinsing.