9 Great Snow Festivals to See in Japan blog.gaijinpot.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

Sapporo Snow Festival 2020The most famous snow festival is the Sapporo Snow Festival held on Japan’s northernmost island, Hokkaido.
Close to Nishi River, Nikko City, Tochigi - MapTokamachi Snow FestivalYou could also follow the modern Japanese Snow Festival back to its roots in Niigata by taking a trip to the Tokamachi Snow Festival, the very first contemporary snow festival that set the stage for their ever-growing popularity.
Zao Snow Monster IlluminationsThe Zao Snow Monster Illuminations are held from December until February which is also the best time to visit the slopes.
Aizu Wakamatsu City, Fukushima - MapOuchijuku Snow FestivalThe Ouchijuku Snow Festival is held in an ancient village with the same name during the second week of February.
Ouchijuku, Minamiaizu, Fukushima - MapUrabandai Snow Festival 2020So candles and old houses aren’t your thing, but the Urabandai Snow Festival (held on the third weekend of February) has a little something for everyone.