Wagyumafia: Japan's hottest restaurant brand sells $185 steak sandwich www.cnn.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

But for Hisato Hamada, the 42-year-old co-founder of Tokyo's white-hot Wagyumafia restaurant brand, which serves the world's finest cuts of Kobe beef, it's all in a day's work.
The Kobe beef back storyAll of this begs the question: Is the beef really that good?
The Kobe beef served at Wagyumafia certainly has a storied history.
When it comes to serving the beef, Hamada is adamant about his nose-to-tail philosophy, meaning that every part of the animal is used.
In total, Hamada wants to set up around 10 Wagyumafia restaurants around the world - including in the United States.