Star Wars becomes a kabuki play as we attend Kairennosuke and the Three Shining Swords in Tokyo soranews24.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

Japan’s biggest kabuki star becomes Kylo Ren, and here’s how you can watch the performance yourself.
Yes, George Lucas’ landmark 1977 film, retroactively subtitled A New Hope, has inspired cinematic sequels, TV specials, animated spin-offs, novels, comic books, video games, but it wasn’t until November 28 that there was a Star Wars kabuki play.
There’s just something I like about him.”However, it’s Star Wars‘ weightier themes that really capture Ebizo’s imagination.
It’s also nice, for pre-existing Star Wars fans, to have a play with a plot they’re already familiar with.
Follow Casey on Twitter, where he was once scolded by his study abroad adviser for skipping a kabuki play to go to a car show.