What Japan’s love of nostalgia says about its economy www.bbc.com

posted by  AkihabaraBot | 4 years, 5 months ago

In 2017, Waltz was listed as a “Gucci Place,” highlighting it as somewhere that inspires the luxury brand.
“Records have a unique warmth and depth to [their] sound, which is why there are people who still love vinyl.
People started to feel monetary security which allowed spending, not just of everyday necessities, but in new cultural phenomena – which, at that time, was records.
He points to the last quarter-century’s economic stagnation in Japan as what’s driving a love for retro.
“Perhaps going back to old retro habits reflects a Japanese attitude that embraces the other side of stagnation.”Whatever the reason – a sluggish economy, hipster spending habits, or simple nostalgia – Japan’s love of old gadgets proves that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.