As you can guess, chances to see the Five Swords Under Heaven don’t happen every day.
One is straight-up owned by the Japanese Imperial Family, and three, including Dojigiri, are officially designated national treasures of the country.
If you’ve got a bit of knowledge about Japanese swords, you’ve probably noticed that a lot of them have names with “giri” or “kiri” in them.
While Yasutsuna’s specific smithing technique has been lost to the ages, the result is a dazzling usturi far beyond what you’ll see in just about any other Japanese sword.
Event informationThe World of the Oldest Japanese Swords / 最古の日本刀の世界Venue: Kasugataisha Museum / 春日大社国宝殿Address: Nara-ken, Nara-shi, Kasuganocho 160奈良県奈良市春日野町160Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m.