U.S. Builds First Giant Robo-Suit, Immediately Challenges Japan To Fight

posted by  banzaitokyo | 7 years, 11 months ago

Finally, after millennia of bullshit agriculture and metallurgy and revolutions industrial, political, cultural, whatever, shit's finally getting good. That's because there are now two giant, functional, manned robotic mecha-Gundam-Pacific Rim-giant-robot-whatever suits, and it looke like they're gonna fight. Who will win? Everyone.

read the original article

0 | #10851 by  banzaitokyo | 8 years, 10 months ago

yeah, Japan is certainly the world leader in robot tournaments and I am sure Japan will win in this. By the way, that would be great to read more about this kind of events on akihabara.tokyo

0 | #10852 by  Yubi | 8 years, 10 months ago

Here, even teenagers build small robots for Robot-sumo tournaments. One of them last year was won by a 60+ year old hobbyist, and the runner up was a 10-year old (and his dad). Not sure if the US robots can spread to the hobbyist level.
