Is this kid brilliant, or did he just find some login info?

posted by  Yubi | 7 years, 10 months ago

This student got caught accessing the educational board database of his prefecture.

link text

0 | #12174 by  banzaitokyo | 7 years, 10 months ago

The article doesn't give any information on how he broke into the system. Either way it could have been cool if he hadn't leaked all the data. If he only exploited only his own records, that could be tolerated, but with this, the authorities will take it seriously. He is definitely in trouble now. Hope his prosecutors understand that doing stupid things at 17 is normal and that at the end noone got hurt.

0 | #12176 by  Yubi | 7 years, 10 months ago

I could not get much detail from TV news either. Doesn't look like he has tried to cause any harm; most likely he found a loophole and shared the data with a few students just to boast.

Bill Gates is said to have hacked school schedules so that he could be in the same classes as some girls :-p.
