Tokyo eyes self-driven delivery by 2030 in industrial AI plan feedly.com

posted by  banzaitokyo | 7 years, 10 months ago in Auto & Transportation

Autonomous trucks and drones should be handling deliveries in Japan by 2030, the government says, showing a path forward for an overburdened field as part of a timeline for a more fully automated society.

The target came to light Thursday in a chart tracking the government's goals for adopting artificial intelligence in industry. The chart is divided into three phases -- from now to roughly 2020, from then until around 2025 to 2030, and thereafter. It lays out a timeline for reshaping manufacturing, distribution and medical care and nursing around AI-driven technology.

0 | #12835 by  Tanuki | 7 years, 9 months ago
It was not autonomous, but a drone already did a delivery of radioactive sand to the prime minister's office :-p. This will be a great challenge given the narrow streets and enormous amounts of electric wires in urban Japan. Forget the typhoon season. I think it is a good topic to research on, though.
0 | #12840 by  Yubi | 7 years, 9 months ago
This won't help the delivery companies so quickly (if at all) because the current demand for delivery is highest in areas where automated delivery is most challenging. Unless "Delivery pads" are setup at collection points like convenience stores, this will be just R&D until 2030.
0 | #12860 by  BarbaraEbara | 7 years, 9 months ago
2030? I can see it happening. I am banking on these kinds of delivery systems via drones happening before than actually. If they get them working good, I am all for this! I shop a lot online. I would like to see food delivery services using drones though.