US court rules against soldier, returns baby to Okinawa mom japan.stripes.com

posted by  Yubi | 7 years, 1 month ago in Lifestyle

Child abduction has long been a concern for U.S. servicemembers and some in Congress, who initially called on Tokyo to ratify the Hague Convention and have since called for tougher enforcement within Japan.

Cultural and legal obstacles in Japan — where child abduction by one parent isn’t always viewed as a crime — have previously prevented U.S. servicemembers and other citizens from gaining custody or seeing their children in Japan.
- See more at: https://japan.stripes.com/news/us-court-rules-against-soldier-returns-baby-okinawa-mom#sthash.lV8kSJPf.dpuf

0 | #12941 by  BarbaraEbara | 7 years, 1 month ago
I think in general, most countries are more in favor of the mother getting custody over the father, specially when it deals with two different countries. I won't pretend like I know the laws or anything but if you are a US solider and have relations with any woman from another country, you have too be prepared if she does get pregnant.