Snoozing favourite secret office activity whatjapanthinks.com

posted by  banzaitokyo | 6 years, 10 months ago

Note that the two different kinds of dozing; at 4 we have “sleep”, which implies, perhaps, leaving the office and finding a quiet corner to lie down for 40 winks, whereas 9, “snoozing in the toilets” is just what it says, taking some extra time in a cubicle at the office. I’m kind of surprised “boozing” doesn’t appear in the list, but I’d like to know how much of the “other” category was this.

I’m not really aware of people doing surreptitious stuff in my office, but perhaps that shows how skilled they are at it? If I were to be cynical, not that I ever would be, it would be “work”, as everyone seems fully occupied with busy work and meetings and document preparations, but how things actually progress is still a mystery to me.