Tatoo craftsman Yoshihito Nakano metropolisjapan.com

posted by  banzaitokyo | 7 years, 2 months ago in Art & Culture

Rather than a typical tattoo parlor, the room resembled a tiny school library filled with hundreds of books on everything from paintings to Chinese calligraphy. However, there were some clues pointing to this being the place where you could beautify your skin by repeatedly stabbing it. Chief among them was the sight of a man in his 20s lying down behind a screen while an elderly man hunched over a small pool of blood collecting on his shoulder.

0 | #12863 by  BarbaraEbara | 7 years, 1 month ago
He knows art. I have seen some of his work online. I have a huge amount of respect for tattoo artists who can actually create ART on the body instead of just a "stamp". I have a few tattoos myself and I plan to have this man give me my 3rd one in the future, I just hope he isn't overbooked when I am in Japan.