The Life-Size Gundam In Tokyo Will Be Replaced By The Unicorn Gundam This Fall www.forbes.com

posted by  banzaitokyo | 7 years, 9 months ago in Art & Culture Anime & Manga

Today marks the last day of the life-size Gundam in Tokyo, as it is now going to be dismantled. However, not only are there plans to create a life-size Gundam that walks by 2019 but we are also getting a replacement statue in the form of the Unicorn Gundam later this year.

0 | #12837 by  Tanuki | 7 years, 9 months ago
I will keep a really long distance from any walking Gundam ;-)
0 | #12853 by  BarbaraEbara | 7 years, 9 months ago
I actually like the Unicorn Gundams more. I am not sure why but having a single horn in the middle of the helmet looks pretty wicked to me! I can't wait to see what it looks like. I am not sure they will have one walking by 2019 though!