Origami-inspired architecture brings diamond lattices to Tokyo's shopping district www.wired.co.uk

posted by  banzaitokyo | 6 years, 10 months ago in Art & Culture

This lacy façade is made from 5,315 aluminium panels, capable of sliding on hidden rails. It's the frontage of Ginza Place, on a corner of Ginza Crossing, Tokyo's equivalent of Times Square. Tokyo-based architects Klein Dytham won a competition to redevelop the 7,350-square-metre former beer hall, now home to Nissan Crossing, in 2012.

0 | #13119 by  BarbaraEbara | 6 years, 10 months ago
That almost looks like basket weaving! I am a huge fan of buildings that have character and art. It is likely one of the major reasons so many people are brought to Tokyo to begin with. Everything looks like a work of art! This one is no different. I like they stuck with white as well. It stands out more in the color splashed area.