8 Contemporary Japanese Novelists (Who Aren’t Haruki Murakami) blog.gaijinpot.com

posted by  banzaitokyo | 7 years, 2 months ago in Art & Culture

When Japanese bookshops opened up at midnight on Feb. 24 for his book launch event, Haruki Murakami was back in the news and back on our shelves. Although no publication date has yet been set for the English translation of Killing Commendatore, if you’re looking for a contemporary J-lit fix already available in translation, here are eight other authors worth exploring.

0 | #12836 by  Tanuki | 7 years, 1 month ago
I haven't read many Japanese novels, simply because it takes long for me to read them. Manga and anime replace them easily :-p Every year when the Nobel Prize winner announcements are due, many Japanese readers think of Haruki Murakami as a possible candidate. His books are great to read, but my gut feeling is that they are not so close to other Nobel prize winning material. But his overall work might deserve it. With Bob Dylan's prize, it was the overall work that won. So, it might happen some day.
0 | #12862 by  BarbaraEbara | 7 years, 1 month ago
I am the same way. I don't like long-read stories and have always preferred Manga and anime. I am interested though. I can say that much! And it takes a lot for me to actually want to read a novel!