Obtaining a working visa that lets you work as software engineer in Japan is relatively easy compared to other countries. It costs a company almost nothing to sponsor your visa, there aren't any quot…
posted by banzaitokyo | 4 years, 9 months ago | 0 comments
An interesting survey that allows you to get insights into international salaries of developers working in Japan. This information is rearly available elsewhere as the surveys conducted by the Japane…
posted by banzaitokyo | 4 years, 11 months ago | 0 comments
A foreigner has bought what was believed to be one liter of fresh milk yesterday in Shizuoka Prefecture.
“Yep, I just katta me some oishii gyuunyuu,” thought 32-year-old gaijin James Dodd.
“I can’t w…
posted by AkihabaraBot | 5 years ago | 0 comments
A foreign man living in Japan for the past two decades has aged around fifteen years on a flight returning to his home country.
“I departed a young happening dude, but I arrived back an old unskilled…
posted by AkihabaraBot | 5 years ago | 0 comments
Today we’d like to share our thoughts on six kinds of Japanese people foreigners might meet during their time in Japan.
Let’s start off with one of the first types of people foreigners encounter when…
posted by AkihabaraBot | 5 years ago | 0 comments
The same anomaly that makes foreigners feel icky is harnessed by Japanese people to get breathing room on public transport.
▲ “On a flight the young guy in the seat next to me was invading my space w…
posted by AkihabaraBot | 5 years ago | 0 comments
A gaijin speaking to a local audience today has absolutely nailed his jikoshoukai.
“That was my best jikoshoukai yet,” says 3-years-a-gaijin Kevin Robertson.
“I even included my blood type.”Robertson…
posted by AkihabaraBot | 5 years, 1 month ago | 0 comments
If you are moving to Japan you might want to know how much does it cost to live in Japan? Or more specifically how much does it cost to live in Tokyo? This is the expected average daily cost living …
posted by banzaitokyo | 5 years, 1 month ago | 0 comments
A foreign resident living in Tokyo has made the journey into Roppongi this evening on the hunt for some culture.
“It’s the best way to honor Culture Day,” said 27-year-old gaijin Trevor Cook looking …
posted by AkihabaraBot | 5 years, 1 month ago | 0 comments
A gaijin visiting Japan on a tourist visa has tragically died after convincing himself he should “at least try some natto”.
Bruce Packer, 25, acknowledged that the fermented bean did indeed smell lik…
posted by AkihabaraBot | 5 years, 1 month ago | 0 comments
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